Play What You Hear Program Review By Lindsey from UK



I have messed around for years playing the most basic chords on the guitar keep picking it up and putting down again and finally got to a lose end with interesting songs I hunted for on you tube.
I saw Tomis course advertised and wondered if this would be to difficult to follow as I didn't know the fret board notes. To all of those out there wanting to simply learn how to play by ear, I can only say now by experience that this was the best thing I ever did and have achieved something I never thought I would.
To be honest I still don't know the fret board notes and although it would be easier to know this it actually doesn't matter. It's the fret board logic that is the key to understanding where you go to make music and of course Tomis fabulous teaching skills that he puts across so well. He teaches you to listen in a different way than before making it possible to select any root note of a song you want to play.
For me, this course was a big commitment and participation on the live sessions as been essential even though I only missed a couple. Tomi is truely dedicated to teaching his way of learning. He also has a good sense of humour although his jokes need updating!! Go for it! And like me, you will able to play by ear in 3 months. 
Oh and just to add. 
I am 46 years old and work shifts for Cheshire police. 
Take care tomi. 
All the best with your next course.
Lindsey whitehead 
Great Britain
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