Elite Membership

AfterTabs.com Elite Membership - Your Complete Learning Experience 

AfterTabs.com offers 4 unique 15 week programs with private support, unlimited lifetime access, hundred of hours of video material and lessons.

Info about each individual program, please click links below (This is also the best order to take the programs):

1. Play What You Hear Program

2. Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques Program

3. Melody Master Program

4. Pattern Toolbox Program

You can now get all these programs with 25% discount and great extra content. This is the limited attendance Elite Membership for students who want to take the maximum benefit of the programs and weekly "Elite Only" content.

Elite Member benefits:

1. Instead of paying 3x$99USD monthly for each program, you pay only $75USD/month. You can choose new program every 3 or 4 months.

2. You get access to all of the four 15 weeks programs (one at a time). Unlimited access to all completed programs even if you decide to end Elite Membership later.

3. You get access to the Elite Members Area where you see Tomi Paldanius in action with weekly 1 hour challenge videos (Only for active Elite Members).

4. You get access to new weekly song arrangement videos taught with step by step videos (Only for active Elite Members).

5. You will have unlimited personal email support from Tomi Paldanius (Only for active Elite Members).

Elite Membership is the best possible option for your complete ear training and logical learning journey.  You will develop all the most important skills you need learning songs fast. No more tabs or notation needed. Get ready for your breakthrough in guitar.


Question 1:

I have already done one of the programs, can I still join as Elite Member?

Answer 1:

Yes. You just continue with the program of your choice. 

Question 2:

Can I do more then one program at the same time?

Answer 2:

Yes you can but you need to contact Tomi Paldanius first. It is all about skills, not what you know. It does not make sense to jump around with different tasks if your skills are not good enough for the next step.

Question 3:

How does the private support work with Tomi?

Answer 3:

When you take one of the programs you have an opportunity to email Tomi with any questions and send videos of your playing. There is no limit for the questions/videos you can send.

Question 4:

How quickly I can learn to arrange any song in 1 hour?

Answer 4:

This is hard to answer because it depends. If you work hard you might be able to reach the level in 2-5 years. It will be most likely be impossible to learn this in 1 year very well. 

Question 5:

I am total beginner. Shoud I join as Elite Member?

Answer 5:

At the moment it will be very hard for you to follow the syllabus. Play What You Hear Program is recommended for even dedicated beginners thought. There is plans to add a course for total beginners in near future.

Question 6:

I need to take breaks (summer holiday etc.) so I cannot do the programs in scheduled way. Is this a problem?

Answer 6:

Everyone will have breaks sometimes and it is not a problem. Once the scheduled 15 weeks (each program is 15 weeks long) is over, you will have unlimited lifetime access to the program material. Even if your Elite Membership has ended.

Question 7:

What are the weekly fingerstyle guitar arrangements?

Answer 7:

Tomi Paldanius has arranged many famous guitar arrangements. One of the first YouTube fingerstyle guitar "hits" was arranged by Tomi. It is the Livin' On A Prayer arrangement which was published already 2005 when YouTube was born.

Check Tomi's first YouTube arrangement made in 2005 below:

Weekly fingerstyle guitar arrangement videos are step by step instructional videos of many famous songs Tomi has arranged. Many popular YouTube guitar players like Sungha Jung and Gabriella Guevedo have played Tomi's arrangements. With Elite Membership you will learn songs from ABBA, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, The Beatles, Eric Clapton, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gary Moore, John Mayer, Jimi Hendrix and many many more. Tomi has arranged hundreds of songs with the skills you can learn with him here at AfterTabs.com

Check out below some more great fingerstyle covers arranged by Tomi:

You will get access to these lessons only as an active Elite Member.

Question 8:

What is 1 Hour Challenge?

Answer 8:

1 Hour Challenge is a challenge all Elite Members should take every week with Tomi. You can see new and all previous 1 hour challenged every week. Tomi records his 1 hour learning session and without any cutting or polishing puts it to all Elite Members area. You can watch what Tomi can do with random song in 1 hour. His goal is to learn the song by ear, arrange it, memorize it and at the end perform it. All in 1 hour. No matter what the song will be. This is the ultimate test for all Elite Members.

At the beginning you maybe cannot do much in 1 hour but you will get better and better and watching weekly how Tomi does it, you will learn many great tips for fastest possible workflow. 

Question 9:

Why you think AfterTabs.com is the best guitar learning site?

Answer 9:

Everyone learns differently but it is truth that all the guitar legends learned by ear. We show you can fish yourself and learn the skills that you will never need tabs and notation anymore again. It is ok to write something yourself to the paper but once you get good enough you can learn the song even faster than you can write it. And would it be amazing to arrange your own songs and put them to Youtube and Facebook? Maybe create your unique set of songs and play live or record?

Question 10:

How much Elite Membership costs, is there student limit and how I can join?

Answer 10:

Elite Membership costs $75USD/month and there is a limit of Elite Members we can take. When the Elite Membership is full, you won't see it offered here anymore. We still have some space left at the moment and you can join by clicking the subsribe button below.

 AfterTabs.com Elite Membership - Join By Clicking Subscribe Below


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